The Ideal Laser System for Hair Removal
The Ideal Laser System for Hair Removal
Adaptive Pulse Control is a unique feature to deliver the energy homogeneously over all the pulse duration, avoiding energy spikes dangerous, especially for the treatment of dark skins. For the best safety and effectiveness, APC works in both single or burst mode (train of pulses).
Helpful when use high doses of energy, to reduce the high impact on the skin. Burst mode divides energy into waveforms and manages them over time to avoid overdosage and skin overheating.
Highly recommended for treatment of hair removal of dark skin. It performs during a fast repetition rate a shorter pulse duration with low fluency and high accumulated energy. So, a procedure really Safe, Fast and Effective on dark people.
Using integrate Peltier cells, water and air, this cooling system maintains skin temperature under control. It eliminates risk of overdosage energy, increases energy output (most successful), makes the skin less sensitive.