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Duetto MT EVO Series

Duetto MT EVO Series

Alexandrite and Nd:YAG Lasers Combined with Quanta Mixed Technology ®

The Duetto MT – EVO Series system is based on Alexandrite and Nd:YAG lasers, 755 nm and 1064 nm, in single or combined emissions. Duetto MT can meet the necessities of every consumer by tailoring the treatments in every detail.

Optional Accessories


Duetto MT – EVO Series, through the special Twain universal connector, can be equipped with Twain 2940 and Twain IPL handpieces.

TWAIN 2940

Twain 2940 is a laser handpiece that fits to the Twain universal connector present on the Quanta System EVO platforms. It has been designed to perform ablation procedures, both fractional and full spot.


Duetto MT – EVO Series can be equipped with Twain IPL handpieces. The contact skin cooling and the 6 range of wavelengths available, expand treatments flexibility and versatility

Integrated Contact SKIN COOLER

The contact Skin Cooler provides skin cooling during laser treatment, effectively reducing the pain and allowing the use of the proper fluencies especially for vascular lesions treatments to reduce potential side effects.


The Skin Cryo handpiece is intended to work in combination with an external compatible air cooling unit to provide a cold air flow designed for the reduction of pain and thermal injury on skin tissue.

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